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I'm leaving for North Carolina this week, and as you can see from the map it's going to be one hell of a road trip (aka:...
I have always been a huge fan of New Balance sneakers. I literally want them in every color. I don't even know why I haven...
Freelance Artist from Seoul, South Korea. Kasiq's Website: http://kasiq.com
I love how different the YSL Arty Ring is; it's definitely not your typical ring and it's a real eye catcher. Anything with a ...
I met the artist David French while attending a local neighborhood art fair in Charlotte. I was in awe at his technique. He to...
A co-worker asked me what she should wear for 4th of July. She is going to hang out with friends and wanted to wear red, white, and b...
I love the matching top & bottom trend right now, it is perfect for spring and summer. I live on the east coast and it's j...
Kerry Washington is on the cover of the October issue of Glamour Magazine this month, and she looks gorgeous! I love the neural makeup. ...
Exhibition A is a pop-up gallery at Barneys New York. Founded by Bill Powers and designer, Cynthia Rowley. Exhibition A is a website th...
The Rocco Bag has been in style for a while now and they are STILL expenivsive as sh*t, $875.00. Unless you're making Donald Trump m...
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