Life Updates!
Sorry, for the lack of posts. We've been super busy the last few months.
Anyways, time for a Life Update:
We're moving to San Antonio!
Lundy got a job there a few months ago. The best part is he'll be working his dream job and straight out of school, which is rare for the field he chose (I think that's what he told me). Anyways, I'm so proud of him!!
Side Note: It's funny how God works. He really does close one door to open an even better door. Lundy wanted this fellowship really bad in Charlotte and I told him, "If you don't get it that means God has something better for you... something better than Charlotte you just have to have faith." While a few weeks later Lundy found out he didn't get into the fellowship program. He was in his room the next day looking at other fellowships to apply for and came across the job position in San Antonio, he told me about it and said "Well, I don't have the experience." I told him to apply anyways, "if you don't get it oh well move on". He gets an interview and a five days later he gets the job!!! His dream job with amazing benefits and an even more amazing salary... plus we're 3 hours from Houston!! God had something better in mind and all we had to do was true in him.
Ok, back to today - We are currently apartment hunting and I am looking for employment. I'll update you all on both as it happens. So now we are just chilling.... well mostly him I'm still in school. I'll officially be done May 29th! I can't wait. I'm going to be honest, I'm done with school after this. I'll take a training course here and there (maybe) but no longer enrolling in a university. I have other projects I want to put my energy into right now. But yeah, need to get back to my homework. Talk to you later.